
Bucky is a big happy French Lop boy. He is very friendly and has pretty good litterbox habits. He was an owner surrender. We think he was born around the middle of 2016.


Stormy was born on September 19, 2018 and is one of Katie’s babies. She must have taken after her dad, as she looks more like a Silver Marten than her mom or siblings. She is a little shy but likes to be pet and will warm up when she finds her forever family.


Medium-to-large size, female, young


Gigi is a playful Lion head girl. She has the cutest tufts of hair on her head! She loves to eat and play. Sadly, she was taken to a shelter after being adopted from Second Chance Bunnies, but we were able to get her back. Now she wants a forever home. 


Female, Lion head mix, medium, adult


Watson is really handsome and striking harlequin lop with fun hair. He was adopted out, but later returned back to our rescue, after about 2. years.

He is friendly and likes to be petted. He has a healthy appetite for all things that are good bunny food. He was born in February 2016.


Male, medium, adult


Reeses is a harlequin mix who got her name from her colors, and is as sweet as a peanut butter cup! She was born on September 19, 2018 and is one of Katies’s babies. She is a little shy but likes to be pet.


Medium to-large size, female, young